- Sara Seager: Extra footage 1
- Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about finding exoplanets while showing different videos and models of the universe in her office (09:05) 26 apr 2016
- Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
- Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about her pioneering work in finding exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun, her search for extraterrest... (01:20:14) 26 apr 2016
- Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 2
- Ron Fouchier in the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, visiting the co-workers in his lab. Also a view on some security measures and experiments with frets, ... (11:42) 23 mrt 2016
- Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 1
- Interview with Ron Fouchier in a duck trap facility. He explains his research on flu viruses on wild birds, and reflects on its potential effects for humans... (27:00) 23 mrt 2016
- Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 2
- Rick Tumlinson visits a re-enactment of 19th century Gonzales, discusses Texas' history and dives into his own family history (27:15) 02 okt 2016
- Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 1
- Rick Tumlinson visoins of a modern way of colonisation, and a sneak peak of his personal belongings (04:03) 02 okt 2016
- Quantum physicist Juan Maldacena on the new quantum-reality ...
- Juan Maldacena, a quantum physicist at the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), on a new quantum-reality theory. He is often called 'the new Einstein'. (01:13:06) 21 feb 2016
- Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your ...
- British experimental psychologist Charles Spence on reprogramming and enhancing your senses. (01:35:31) 26 jun 2016
- Pascale Fung: extra footage
- Fung visits the Hong Kong Electronic fair, interacts with a digital robot, strolls on the beach, plays with her kids, and visits her flamenco class (12:39) 15 apr 2016
- Pascale Fung on building robots with empathy
- Building robots and machines with empathy (43:41) 15 apr 2016
Resultaten uit de volledige verzameling (10.949)
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